
This is a small clip that I edited yesterday while I was waiting that my Iphone got dried (i put it for a hour in an hofen and than 24 hours in a plate full of rice, now it works, just the screen is a lil bit fucked up, but i don't give a f%$£) because for the 2nd time(the 1st time was 2 years ago at a party in vienna, it was a iphone3 that i lost last new year's eve) it falled in the toilet...I wasn't drunk, i swear..i think,  it's a kind of karma reason, I did something wrong in the last days..maybe..who cares...hahah mattias

hope you enjoy, and yes my english sucks



5 commenti:

  1. grande maty good i-phod montage.. era figo anche se mettevi la musica dell’orchestra di vienna di sottofondo ! eheheh bella li ! jony

  2. cazzo però 2 volte i phono nel i cesso è esagerato però..

  3. il pezzo finale era il concerto di paolo conte a palme meenn...l iphone si diciamo che non ci credevo per 2 ore, adesso funziona perfettamente...che cuulooo mennn, non vado mai piu al cesso con il telefono in tasca, MAIII!!


  4. Paolo Conte in finale spacca troppo.
