skatenostro voted Vanni as skater of the day at KK contest

he just pushed himself more than everybody else did.. his drop record was 0 cm , then yesterday night he got an amazin’ 170 cm bowl drop , and than an unexpected more than 200 cm drop. pure adrenalin and never seen  before speed for him !great endless skateboarding experience .congratulations from all SN staff.

bad landing

aroma whatta landing ! later SN will show you the trick..

"so my friends made a trip to Nova Gorica and i couldnt go so i gave them my camera and this is what happened.." Luka D.

Contest al KK

Sperando che questa volta non piova...

P.S. Per la gioia di tutti finalmente c'è un nuovo muretto nel vecchio KK! grazie a tutti quelli che si sono sbattutti per trovare i materiali e per la costruzione. DIY never die!

MC WHEELS - johnny line of the week #1

skateboarding as usual. but..with good urethane
i know it’s just a skatepark contest video, but i wanted to show you this skatepark in on this

lelle telephone line


back from croatia. crazy night sessions with robi,nikola,mario,besho and the locals..something 104% street is going on in the city of Pola ..


parking+SNNS SkateNostroNelleSiepi


music videos?

recently nepalese tryed to make a musical video to a venetian band called: the dancers.
not skateboarding, but this is all filmed by vx 1000 mk1 so, it's almost a skate music video ahahhah
the video is on XL repubblica vimeo account.
Esclusiva XL. The Dancers - "The Box" from videodrome-XL on Vimeo.


SN NS =skatenostro night session/non sense/no stop/nostro skateboarding/nelle strade

non so se vi siete accorti ma SN fà dei raid di skateboarding notturni casuali alla quale possono partecipare tutti gli interessati stay tuned on SN facebook per eventi futuri



what ?

huston we have a problem, rest popped out of screen



from SF to SN

bowl flow with Tito 


Al KK non girano solo skaters...


ale & geko weird skate session

night skateboarding session with ale & geko between drunk healtcare operators and weird girls becoming computer techinicians 

p.s. johnny be careful... terrappala revenge here

moreno elia hebling

     wallride to fakie, NOT DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY
     photo: alex peils

the stupah fully flared trick

    foto by lenzi

a day in Ronchi

Ronchi’s full of skate-spots, skate-stoppers, skaters, young skaters, ex skaters, ex skaters restarting skate. I can tell you that in the last 25 years there were always some skaters pushin' in the streets of this city, maybe ‘cause most of the ground is a smooth and skateable flat.. skate it !

...a chill videoclip filmed yesterday in ronchi 


This is a small clip that I edited yesterday while I was waiting that my Iphone got dried (i put it for a hour in an hofen and than 24 hours in a plate full of rice, now it works, just the screen is a lil bit fucked up, but i don't give a f%$£) because for the 2nd time(the 1st time was 2 years ago at a party in vienna, it was a iphone3 that i lost last new year's eve) it falled in the toilet...I wasn't drunk, i swear..i think,  it's a kind of karma reason, I did something wrong in the last days..maybe..who cares...hahah mattias

hope you enjoy, and yes my english sucks



Donau Insel

Donau Insel, Vienna.

In a few minutes will be ready a sketchy foodage edited and filmed by me.. Stay SNNS

vanny, no ma è una figata o no lo skate?