mmmmmm last week many bad things happened at skatenostro offices...Ale’s new photocamera fallen in the water, filmers falling and crashing their cameras on the ground, digital problems with VX 1000 mini Dv, and many rider knees are having problems... we are thinking that something is running against us...something that came from the evil darkness world to fight skatenostro in person.
who is going to win this epic fight between the good and the evil ?
the answer is Him.
Skatenostro.Nobody can stop him !
yesterday marco busenitz crashed his knee into the wall.
oh shieeet

hooooly sheeeeet
RispondiEliminamerdazz è una botta steezy!
RispondiEliminail lato oscuro della forza non vincerà.
l' SN che è in noi ci proteggerà.
_Luke Skywalker
ma cos’ è quel rosso ? avevi appena messo ghiaccio?