A chill clip with all the footage in my descktop mixed.
skatynostro forever ! J_
jonni goes to Malmö !
skatenostro GORIZIA office is closed from Monday april 30,till may 12.
Gli uffici SN GORIZIA sono chiusi da lunedì 30 aprile fino al 12 maggio.
per ogni eventuale necessità urgente rivolgersi agli uffici SN di mestre,nova gorica,lubijana,vittorio,quattroventi,udine,lecce,roma,ronchi o vienna.
buon martedì
trick of the week .
Fine prima parte. (spring 2012 edition)
next 10 tricks coming this summer . (summer 2012 edition)
only on SN.
we back soon,stay stoked.
TOTW staff.
mmmmmm last week many bad things happened at skatenostro offices...Ale’s new photocamera fallen in the water, filmers falling and crashing their cameras on the ground, digital problems with VX 1000 mini Dv, and many rider knees are having problems... we are thinking that something is running against us...something that came from the evil darkness world to fight skatenostro in person.
who is going to win this epic fight between the good and the evil ?
the answer is Him.
Skatenostro.Nobody can stop him !
yesterday marco busenitz crashed his knee into the wall.
oh shieeet
who is going to win this epic fight between the good and the evil ?
the answer is Him.
Skatenostro.Nobody can stop him !
yesterday marco busenitz crashed his knee into the wall.
oh shieeet
these days are so sad, even if think that skateboarding is the only thing that really makes me feel really good.
but sometimes life is shit...it's hard to accept...
u see that white spots? between my bones? they mean i cant skate ...
but anyway i think im gonna skate till i die .
but sometimes life is shit...it's hard to accept...
u see that white spots? between my bones? they mean i cant skate ...
but anyway i think im gonna skate till i die .
fondone: rain and skateboarding
simone chiriatti - kickflip

(diego mi ha appena passato i dati per il login)
un saluto e un abbraccio a jhonny!

(diego mi ha appena passato i dati per il login)
un saluto e un abbraccio a jhonny!
Franco Simeoni BANGIN!
Franco is one of my new team mates,he's so strong on stairs and gaps.
soon more footage for us by franco!
(i will upload soon another Wavepark montage,this time featuring few proskaters during an italian supersecret tour,stay tuned)
soon more footage for us by franco!
(i will upload soon another Wavepark montage,this time featuring few proskaters during an italian supersecret tour,stay tuned)
i miss barcellona, this shit was left ovr from tha video so... we dont like to waste footy , even if it's skethcy
stay tuna for more footage... and remember skatenostro is working for you every day.
we got big projects in our heads.
skatenostro = skate a nastro
stay tuna for more footage... and remember skatenostro is working for you every day.
we got big projects in our heads.
skatenostro = skate a nastro
What the Fuck!!!
Ss fs flip up the handigap,supernazi fs wallride and nosemanny nollieflip out on the higher mannypad gives to our friend johnny 200euros and the cup!FIRST PLACE!
Congrats,jo!sick run,absolutely.
Congrats,jo!sick run,absolutely.
14 aprile 2012
Skate Nostro is a big familia, as you can see SN is watching you.
Baciamo le mani.
Baciamo le mani.
jons trick of pasquetta
trick of the week number 8 (fullcab)
+ kk pasquetta friends bonus footage
song copyright owned by narcos
indovina che trick ha fatto Flo..
on easter day , while you were eating your lunch, Flo has done a trick in this famous spot (in nova gorica city center).can you imagine it?skatenostro will give a special gift to the first person who writes the name of the trick in the comments.
friends from wien
they are here in Italy till monday evening.just hope for the sun and you will see more Flo flow soon!just for info : Skatenostro easter lunch will be in the streets of nova gorica. See you there if you want to eat some foodage with us . jons
flip nosemanny
mattias sanchez yesterday in Udine found how to flip nosemanny in a skatepark without manny pads.he loves to flip nosemanny so much that his front knee now is almost broken for the nosemanual pressure of ten years of skateboarding..happy holidays maty
Mario Wirnsberger
Here is my friend from Wien.
I filmed him in Slovenjia last summer, for the Carhartt tour.
He's got talent, style, and the right willpower, which make him a really good skater and a nice person to skate with.
skatenostro is on facebook..subscribe if you want to keep in contact with him
.New friend in the skatenostro team. his name is davìd, he is french... he's steezy as fuck maybe it seems that he's coming from the 90's or maybe it's seems that david change in bodyshape and tricks sometimes but it's only because he's a really good skater.
here you can see some fresh pics and footy of him. stay tuned for more...
nice backsmith man!
.New friend in the skatenostro team. his name is davìd, he is french... he's steezy as fuck maybe it seems that he's coming from the 90's or maybe it's seems that david change in bodyshape and tricks sometimes but it's only because he's a really good skater.
here you can see some fresh pics and footy of him. stay tuned for more...
nice backsmith man!
JoNS manovra della settimana 7
I’ve learned lot of tricks on this old bench.the flat doesn’t run too much anymore, but anyway it is still skateable, and you can still learn a sweechy smithy 180 whenever you go there.
autofilmed in Monfalcone city @ panchina del porto
see you next tuesday
sn news
mattia sanchez is arriving from Vienna at skatenostro office on wednesday,april 4..
photo archyvio
Soon will be out a Gianca (giancarlo birmbaum) new little videopart filmed by luca poldelmengo.
It seems that luca vecchiato has found how to make a videopart for sn during his injury period..It is a Nepahlese idea so..you will see.. this is for those who don’t know luca.. (old video)
stay sn
photo archyvio
Soon will be out a Gianca (giancarlo birmbaum) new little videopart filmed by luca poldelmengo.
It seems that luca vecchiato has found how to make a videopart for sn during his injury period..It is a Nepahlese idea so..you will see.. this is for those who don’t know luca.. (old video)
stay sn
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