this is luca, he is 15 years old (yes, he looks even more bigger than a tipical 15 year guy) he is a talented skateboarder every time i see him i notice that he is progressing faster and learning new tricks every time.. this time he wanted to try a frontside bigspin down a really sketchy gap with an orrible flat, after he broke the first board he changed immediately with a "new but old" one and than he crackked again the board... so he was really hyped and he took his bike and in 5 minutes he was back from home with a "new old" deck but this time ...
good recovery my friend. ale
che sfiga luca ce l’avevi dibrutto meeen!era chiuso.. purtroppo,come diceva qualcuno,nello skate, succede anche questo..
RispondiEliminadai ci si vede tra un mesetto per skateare a stecca !jony
un tutorial che proprio non voglio imparare...
RispondiElimina...bel bigspin man, guarisci soon!
ma jony quel qualcuno si chiamava mica luca pure lui? anzi ... luka...
RispondiEliminail biggie c'era dibbrutto..buon recupero meeeenn
RispondiEliminama quel qualkuno luka, sparò la perla nella tour rolka, mi pare di ricordare...
grazie jhony e luca (nosebonk tu culo gradini + "eh succede anche questo"):D